Saturday, February 9, 2008


I sat down to play really late on friday night and won the 2.5 bi's I had to make to move up to 3-6. I'm basically not going to cash out on full tilt for a while and move up when I have 20 bi's. 8k for 2-4, 12k for 3-6, 20k for 5-10... etc. I'm really hoping to get up to 5-10 and 10-20 in the next few weeks. It all depends on how hot i run. I lost 1k when I played in the afternoon today. It was my first losing day in a while... Not really sure what I will set as a bi loss stop. I will prob degen it out at 3-6 even if I start to lose. I know I am realy +ev in the game so I just need to put in a lot of hands. I'm still not sure how I can handle 5-10 so we will see.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

been having trouble posting on your blog. testing to see if this works