Friday, January 25, 2008


Things are going well grinding cash the last few days. I had two small winning days on Monday and Tuesday. Took Wednesday off from poker. Yesterday I played well during an afternoon session but booked a 3k loss. I wasn't to worried about the loss earlier in the day and came back to play a late night session. I ended up grinding back 2k of my days losses at 3-6. I ran really bad yesterday so I'm happy with how yesterday went money wise only losing 1k. I have been splitting my time playing cash about equally between 2-4 and 3-6 the last week. I really like playing different levels at the same time as it just allows me to table select so much better. I think it is much more profitable playing an assortment of tables at both levels rather than 8 tables of 3-6. Reason being is that there usually aren't more than 3 or 4 really soft 3-6 tables at a time. My EV (expectation) playing the softest 2-4 tables is much better than my EV playing an average 3-6 table.

I actually just got done playing a session today and I saved some hands to share with you. I ended up winning two bi's at 3-6 and one bi at 2-4.

I have been having a little trouble with Lyric this last week as he is one of the better regulars in my games and I have been playing against him a lot lately. The problem is that I have been running ice cold against him and he is running me over. He has been playing way to aggressive in general but especially in 3bet pots against me. So basically this hand was the first time all week I flopped a pair in a 3bet pot against him...

This hand was played funny and I'm not really sure what to think... let me know what you think of this hand. The guy sat like two orbits earlier and I had no read...

I almost felt bad about this hand. Not.

School went well this week... and I got a puppy with my roommates.

- Hov

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