Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I have been a bit pathetic the last few days... just waiting around for school to start. Luckily today is the end of that. I have been on campus for most of my first day of school. Right now I am posting from a computer in the library. I just finalized my class schedule for this semester a few minutes ago. Suddenly I am much more optimistic about this semester after I finished tweaking my schedule to my liking.

I'm unsure of what I'm trying to do with this blog. I feel a bit uncomfortable updating my blog with how much I have won/lost over a certain time although most of my readers enjoy it. I feel like analyzing poker hands would be very boring for most of my readers so I will also try to stay away from that. I wont be writing about my personal life either for obvious reasons. If you have any ideas for posts, questions about me, etc. e-mail me at and I will respond accordingly.

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